Baxter & Baxter Toronto Star

by Kent Edward Baxter
Originally Written: 16 January 2004

Cowardly not to return to college

Re: I fear for my safety (Letter, 14 January)


I am a graduate of Centennial College who is rather surprised by April Mantle's sensationalistic and rather hysterical claim of a "high crime rate" at the Progress Campus, which I had the pride and privlege of attending for more than three years, and to which I return from time to time.

During my time as a student at Centennial there were relatively few crimes committed, most of which were relatively minor and often of a nuisance nature, such as false fire alarms.

Sure, there will be crimes committed anywhere and anytime. To refuse to college because a non-student was killed in a car that happened to be parked on the campus property is both an act of cowardice and highly irresponsible. To restrice visitors' access to a college campus (which is what Mantle advocates) because of one's irrational fear is to allow major criminals satisfaction.

K. Edward Baxter, Toronto

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