National Post

by Kent Edward Baxter
Originally Written: Saturday, 26 August 2000



Re: Anglophone Backers of Shop Owner Plan to Undermine Auction, Aug. 25.

While reading the article of Cliff Oswald's punishment at the hands of Quebec's French language police, there was a story on television about veterans who served at Dunkirk, to fight for freedom, justice and human rights.

It is a sad irony that Canada, a nation held in high esteem for its participation in both world wars, and commitment to freedom, has a democratically elected national government unable to prevent the abuse of language rights in one of its provinces, due to an accidental disaster of appeasement known as the notwithstanding clause.

That a man would be humiliated, face a fine and prison sentence for displaying two words of an international language, namely English, on the front of his shop at an unacceptable size, is for me, the straw that has broken the camel's back

It is high time that all of Canada damn the torpedoes and fight in any way legally possible against the unjust and illegal punishment of the use of the English language and any other language in Quebec.

The more the elites of Canada continue to ignore or tolerate this injustice, the more the contributions of Canadian veterans to preserve our freedoms will be trivialized and affronted.

National Post 


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